Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The List

My sincerest apologies for not having written in a while, a weekend trip to Ghana's second largest city Kumasi to visit some amazing British medical students turned into a 5 day vacation (a weekend plus a holiday so I wasn't skipping too much work), then I returned to camp to find the power out for the rest of the week plus a few days, which led to another weekend away. Then the power came back but the internet was still down, then I got a day long stomach virus which sent me scurging (a Canadian term for both ends purging).
I feel like my blog posts havent really depicted everyday African experiences, and those that know me best know that my dillemas are often solved with lists.

Waking up early, 5:30 ish, going to bed early 9-10.
Eating rice twice a day.
Drinking liters of water a day without having to use the bathroom every five minutes.
Expert ability to use female urinals.
Riding tro-tros and meeting crazy people on these packed mini vans.
Picking up little children all day.
Apologizing to people for not being able to provide for them.
Having to explain that not all Americans are rich.
Putting on condoms to a fake penis and explaining that you cannot get AIDS if a mosquito bites an infected person and then you.
Using Claire and Garretts nalgenes.
Having sawdust from termites on my stuff.
Smelling unsavory.
Much higher chance of getting legitimately close-lined here (worse if your taller than 5'3'').
Walking between houses (how you get around on camp) and smelling piss and sometimes seeing poop.
Being asked if you are a Christian.
Wondering how there can be less than 20 wells but more than 200 churches on camp.
Seeing kids improvise jump rope with video tape reels.
Going to the market and getting fresh produce when you want to eat some fruit and veggies.
Having 15 mosquito bites on my left foot.
Learning what bed bug bites look like.
Learning how to tolerate housemates.
Bonding with the good ones.
Networking with other humanitarian workers and volunteers across Ghana.
Taking African showers (bathing during a rain storm).
Being asked for water.
Being asked for food.
Being asked for money.
for sponership, for school fees, for medicine........
Learing how to say no.
Being groped and sexually harrassed (don't worry I've only been groped 3 times).
Not having a cell phone and coordinating without one.
Being excited about having solid poo.
Talking to other volunteers about where we've traveled.
Lots of football (can't even call it soccer now).
Having a watch tan.
Getting emails from back home.
Brushing grime out of my hair.
Waking up with my roommate and synchronized stomach cramps.
Having grime on me in general.
Seeing the amazing amount of stars at night.
Eating bizarre food.
Eating tons of starches and oil.
Having flies where I've picked my scabs.
Brushing my teeth outside.
Being praised for my generosity and told that God will bless me.
Turning down marriage proposals and invitations to go to his place to get to know each other better.
Seeing kids.
Holding babies.
Gaining bargaining skills.
Making French toast.
Having the food cravings of 17 pregnant women.
Making a habit of throwing toilet paper into the trashcan next to the toilet.
Feeling guilty.
Hearing music blaring.
Hearing people arguing constantly.
Seeing a dog-eat-dog world, a constant struggle for survival.
Leaving the house 20 minutes early for a 5 minute walk because I stop and talk to so many friends along the way.
Taking naps in Grace's house.
Dancing without music.
Dancing with my coworkers.
Laughing at dancing with my coworkers.
Hanging out with older people.

Thats all time will allow, and as always I love your messages so keep me updated with home.

A very special shout out to the most incredible sister in the world....... Happy 18th Birthday Karen!!! I love you like crazy and look at your picture everyday.